Struggling To Find Peace With Your Retirement?

Meet Retirement Risk Advisors

Trying To Help People Have More Income And Peace In
Retirement Is What We Do Best

Join the thousands of accountants and professionals that are eliminating risks in their retirement.

 Potentially Increase Your Income

​ Leave A Greater Legacy

 Find More Peace

Meet Retirement Risk Advisors!

Struggling To Figure Out How to Reach Your Lifestyle and Legacy Goals?

We Can Help You Maximize Retirement Income, ​Enhance Peace In Retirement, & Build A Lasting Legacy

Have your retirement mapped out & protected in as little as 2 months!

Our Unique Qualifications

  • Personal Financial Specialist
  • Independent Investment Advisors
  • Independent Insurance Agents

Personal Financial Specialist

Independent Investment Advisors

Independent Insurance Agents

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Our All Inclusive Services Include

The Keys To Your Retirement Success...

Lifestyle & Legacy Coaching

Risk-Based Retirement Planning

Wealth Management

Income Tax, Charitable, Estate Planning, & More!

Why Do Risk-Based, Lifestyle, & Legacy Planning?

Risk-based planning accounts for the modern-day risks of retirement, increasing your chance to live a life of purpose & leaving a lasting legacy!

Why Choose Risk-Based, Lifestyle, & Legacy Planning?

Retirement is not just about money - it's about living your best life and building a legacy that reflects your values and aspirations. Our risk-based approach addresses modern retirement challenges, helping you achieve greater peace of mind and confidence. 

Retirement Risk Advisors...

Your Key To Success

We’re the difference between retirees who run out of money and those who thrive throughout retirement.

  • Define your purpose in retirement
  • Identify and address risks that could derail your retirement
  • Empower you to protect and grow your legacy
  • Create a stress-tested, risk-based plan to achieve your goals

• Change your life & have your retirement mapped out & protected in as little as 2 months! •

Risk-Based Lifestyle & Legacy Advisors
Are the Secret To Your Retirement Success

We're the difference between the many retirees who run out of money in retirement and the ones that don't!

Traditional Retirement

  • Just Helps You Reach Retirement
  • No Clear Safety Nets
  • Convenient For The Advisor
  • Disappointment

Risk-Based Lifestyle & Legacy Planning

  • Helps You Live Your Best Life In Retirement
  • Guides You In Defining Your Legacy
  • Multiple Risk-Based Solutions
  • Customized To Your Needs & Wants

Do You Like Feeling the Opposite of Disappointment?

Then Start Your Risk-Based Lifestyle & Legacy Planning Today!

• Change your life & have your retirement mapped out & protected in as little as 2 months! •

We Help You As...

Guides Through Retirement​

We believe that retirement is about more than money. It is about you being able to live your best life and build a legacy that includes both tangible and intangible assets. So, we’ll help you defeat the risks, and you can claim all the glory!

  • Coach you on your life purpose & legacy
  • Match your money with your risk tolerance and goals
  • Aid you in the creation of a fully customized plan
  • Accompany you through each phase of the journey

Lifestyle & Legacy Experts

Traditional advisors often believe their only job is to help you deal with your money. We realize that your happiness has a lot more to do with the purpose of your life than the money you have to live your life.

  • ​Help you find your purpose
  • ​Help you create your legacy
  • Teach you how to make and keep commitments

Learn More About Being The Boss Of Your Own Retirement-->

Retirement Risk Advisors Are Your…

Guides Through Retirement​

We believe that retirement is about more than money. It is about you being able to live your best life and build a legacy that includes both tangible and intangible assets. So, we’ll help you defeat the risks, and you can claim all the glory!

  • Coach you on your life purpose & legacy
  • Match your money with your risk tolerance and goals
  • Aid you in the creation of a fully customized plan
  • Accompany you through each phase of the journey

Say Goodbye To...

  • The need for multiple advisors to reach your goals
  • Stress from not knowing if you made the best decisions that are right for you
  • ​A retirement plan that doesn't match you

Retirement Risk Advisors Are Your…

Lifestyle & Legacy Experts

Traditional advisors often believe their only job is to help you deal with your money. We realize that your happiness has a lot more to do with the purpose of your life than the money you have to live your life.

  • ​Help you find your purpose
  • ​Help you create your legacy
  • Teach you how to make and keep commitments

Say Goodbye To

  • ​A retirement with a lack of focus and direction

Unique Risks We Help You Navigate

Social Security Risk

Two potential issues with Social Security impacting your retirement: choosing an inappropriate age for benefits may result in significant loss, and a high provisional income can lead to taxation of benefits.

Tax Rate Risk

Due to factors like national debt and public policy, tax rates are likely to increase, resulting in reduced net pay from taxable and tax-deferred accounts.

Longevity Risk

Known as the risk multiplier, the longer you live the more risk exposure you have--especially needing to fund a retirement that could last 30+ years!

Inflation Risk

Inflation, the silent killer to retirement, erodes spending power by raising overall prices. The $50 that covered groceries in your working years might only cover half of those expenses in retirement due to inflation.

Withdrawal Rate Risk

Ensuring the right withdrawal rate from your assets is challenging. Excessive withdrawals can deplete funds within 8-11 years.

Long-Term Care Risk

Surpassing average life expectancy increases the chances of a long-term care event, requiring assistance from a caretaker (spouse, child, or professional) at home or in a facility, which is costly.

Sequence of Return Risk

Market losses while withdrawing funds affect retirement assets. If such losses occur during retirement distributions, the investment loss becomes irreversible, reducing the intended lifespan of funds from 20-25 years to only 10-12 years.

Medicare Risk

Medicare, a complex health insurance program, can lead to increased premiums or higher out-of-pocket expenses if issues arise, significantly affecting your retirement.

Elder Financial Abuse Risk

Financial exploitation of elders may come from family members, friends, or scammers. What makes retirees easy targets is the larger assets associated with age and vulnerability.

Lack of Income Diversity Risk

Diversifying income streams in retirement lowers risk exposure. Without a well-balanced and diverse income approach, retirees may lose money to taxes or see a reduction in spending power due to neglecting inflation considerations.

Retirement Risk Advisors Help You Address The Risks
​You Need To Mitigate To Succeed In Retirement​

Plus A Plan That Attacks & Organizes All Of This For You!

Social Security Risk

Two potential issues with Social Security impacting your retirement: choosing an inappropriate age for benefits may result in significant loss, and a high provisional income can lead to taxation of benefits.

Tax Rate Risk

Due to factors like national debt and public policy, tax rates are likely to increase, resulting in reduced net pay from taxable and tax-deferred accounts.

Longevity Risk

Known as the risk multiplier, the longer you live the more risk exposure you have--especially needing to fund a retirement that could last 30+ years!

Inflation Risk

Inflation, the silent killer to retirement, erodes spending power by raising overall prices. The $50 that covered groceries in your working years might only cover half of those expenses in retirement due to inflation.

Withdrawal Rate Risk

Ensuring the right withdrawal rate from your assets is challenging. Excessive withdrawals can deplete funds within 8-11 years.

Long-Term Care Risk

Surpassing average life expectancy increases the chances of a long-term care event, requiring assistance from a caretaker (spouse, child, or professional) at home or in a facility, which is costly.

Sequence of Return Risk

Market losses while withdrawing funds affect retirement assets. If such losses occur during retirement distributions, the investment loss becomes irreversible, reducing the intended lifespan of funds from 20-25 years to only 10-12 years.

Medicare Risk

Medicare, a complex health insurance program, can lead to increased premiums or higher out-of-pocket expenses if issues arise, significantly affecting your retirement.

Elder Financial Abuse Risk

Financial exploitation of elders may come from family members, friends, or scammers. What makes retirees easy targets is the larger assets associated with age and vulnerability.

Lack of Income Diversity Risk

Diversifying income streams in retirement lowers risk exposure. Without a well-balanced and diverse income approach, retirees may lose money to taxes or see a reduction in spending power due to neglecting inflation considerations.

Step-By-Step Roadmap

This road serves as a practical plan that outlines unique strategies tailored to your individual circumstances, ensuring a secure retirement devoid of unnecessary risks.

Aid In Implementation

Connect with our team and a network of experienced professionals that will assist you in applying retirement strategies designed to ensure you get safely through retirement, not just to retirement.

Comprehensive Services Tailored For You

Retirement Risk Advisors Are Your…

Lifestyle & Legacy Experts

Retirement is about more than money. It's about living with purpose and building a meaningful legacy.

  • ​Discover deeper meaning and purpose in retirement
  • Bridge the gap from where you are now to the life you envision
  • Build a legacy that will last

Say Goodbye To

  • ​Feeling like life lacks direction and purpose
  • Consistently second guessing if you are on the right path

Retirement Risk Advisors Are Your…

Risk-Based Lifestyle & Legacy Plan Experts

Our comprehensive planning process empowers you to achieve your dreams with clarity and confidence. 

  • ​Custom strategies tailored to your unique goals
  • Stress-tested probability analysis
  • Step-by-step retirement road maps

Say Goodbye To

  • ​Hidden risks that threaten your financial future
  • Overwhelming decisions that leave you feeling stuck

Retirement Risk Advisors Are Your…

Social Security Planning

Social Security will make up a good portion of your retirement income, and you deserve every penny you are entitled to. Our experts are trained to maximize your individual situation.​

  • ​Make sure all benefits are claimed for you and your family
  • ​Help analyze the impact of longevity
  • ​Consider Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO)

Say Goodbye To:

  • ​Outdated government calendars that only give rough estimates
  • ​Finding an outside Social Security Expert
  • ​Risk of making a uneducated decision that can't be fixed

Retirement Risk Advisors Are Your…

Asset Management Experts

Our independent experts are trained to design risk appropriate portfolios that match up with your custom retirement plan, thus increasing your chances for retirement success.

  • Portfolios designed to avoid large losses
  • ​Fiduciary responsibility to you as a client
  • ​Access to investment options in all sectors

Say Goodbye To

  • ​Non fiduciary advisors
  • ​​Portfolios that don't match your goals
  • ​Hidden fees

Retirement Risk Advisors Are Your…

Annuity & Life
Insurance Experts

As an independent insurance agency we have the ability to work with any insurance company in the country to get you the right insurance products to maximize your retirement.

  • ​Review of current insurance products
  • ​Assess need for insurance products
  • ​Provide access to appropriate insurance based solutions

Say Goodbye To

  • ​The uncertainty that you currently have the right products (we'll help you evaluate them)

Retirement Risk Advisors Are Your…

Elder Care Planning Experts

35% of retirees will become permanently disabled and need long-term care before they pass away. And yet, only 6% of people have a solution for this risk*. Our team will help you find the best solution for your needs.

  • ​Long-term care insurance
  • ​Life insurance with a chronic illness rider
  • Self-funding

Say Goodbye To

  • ​Leaving a spouse broke
  • ​Losing your freedom to choose how you get care
  • ​Putting the burden to take care of you on family members

Retirement Risk Advisors Are Your…

Tax Planning Experts

Taxes will be one of your biggest expenses in retirement, so we hired a team of experts to reduce the impact taxes will have on your retirement income.

  • ​Social Security taxation
  • ​Income related Medicare premium adjustments
  • ​ROTH strategies

Say Goodbye To

  • ​Learning all of the tax code yourself or
  • ​Finding another outside expert

Retirement Risk Advisors Are Your…

Estate Planning Experts

Retirement planning isn’t just about planning for yourself, but it also includes planning to maximize the transfer of assets once you pass away. Whether you want to leave your money to family, friends or a charity we can help.

  • Trust and Wills
  • Healthcare directives
  • Beneficiary management

Say Goodbye To

  • Having the courts determine what happens to your money once you pass on
  • Your wishes not being fulfilled
  • Lossing unnecessary money to attorney’s and government taxing agencies

Retirement Risk Advisors Are Your…

Charitable Planning

Many retirees have strong desire to impact the lives of other people through charitable giving, but they are often unaware of the best way to make this happen.

  • Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD)
  • Private Foundations
  • Donor Advised Funds

Say Goodbye To:

  • Losing the tax benefits of charitable giving 
  • Feeling like you are not doing your part to help others 
  • Wanting to give but not knowing how

What To Expect When Working With Us

When you sign on to work with us we will take 5-6 weeks with you to layout your initial plan. After that we will
meet with you a minimum of four times a year to do seasonal planning updates focusing on the following areas below 

Spring Review

  • Risk Management
  • Elder Planning
  • Life & Health Insurance
  • Disability & Long-Term Care Insurance
  • Property & Liability Insurance

Summer Review

  • Estate Planning
  • Charitable Planning
  • Wills & Trusts
  • Asset Titling
  • Advanced Directives
  • Planned Gifts

Fall Review

  • Tax Planning 
  • Retirement Planning
  • Business-Related Documents
  • Retirement Lifestyle Planning

Winter Review

  • Cash Flow Planning
  • Investment Planning
  • Budgeting
  • Savings
  • Debt Management

+ Portfolio Review Each Meeting If We Are Managing Your Assets

Are You Ready To Learn More About How We Can Help You?

• Change your life & have your retirement mapped out & protected in as little as 2 months! •

Recognized By

Platinum Elite Advisor


Top Presenter


Tip of The Triangle Advisor


Frequently Asked Questions

What Makes Risk-Based Planning Different Than Traditional Planning?

Traditional planning helps you get up the mountain (or to retirement), risk-based planning helps you get down the mountain (or through retirement).

Who Do You Work With?

We are best able to help individuals and couples age 50+ who have manageable assets (excluding their primary residency) worth $250,000+.

What Services Do You Provide?

Our basic services included risk-based retirement planning, retirement tax analysis, social security claiming strategizing, wealth/asset management, and more.

Do I Have To Move My Assets Over To Be Managed By You?

No, we offer multiple options with and without asset management.

What If I Already Have A Traditional Plan?

That is great, hopefully it is helping you get to retirement. We still recommend working with us though, as our specialty is combatting your financial risks that can prevent you from getting through retirement.

Why Should I Sign Up For This Now and Not Wait?

The longer you wait the more risk you are exposed to, for that reason we recommend individuals and couples start by their mid 50's where and when possible.

Is My Plan For My Spouse & I?

Yes, only in rare cases of divorce or other extraneous circumstances will you and your spouse need separate plans.

How Long Does It Take You To Put A Plan Together For Me?

Typically, the process is a couple of months. But if you include any underwriting for insurances and annuities you may want to put in place, times will vary.

Can I Do This Myself?

Yes, BUT! We can't emphasize this enough. While there are some of our services you can do yourself others require licenses and expertise that is not worth it for one individual to pursue just for their own retirement.

What If I Don't Have A Plan Yet?

No worries, as long as you are 50+ years old we can still help you! Risk-based planning doesn't require a traditional plan to be in place.

Could You Walk Me Through Your Process?

Absolutely, it's pretty simple on your end. First, schedule an appointment with our team. Second, show up to that online meeting. And third, provide the information needed for our team to put your stuff together... and you're done. Everything else we'll do behind the scenes or will reach out with any further instruction.



1309 Coffeen Avenue, Suite 3851, Sheridan, WY 82801


Toll free: 1 (855) 491-0400
​Text us at: 1 (307) 264-2902
